Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Solution

Fast, accurate and reliable Data Exchange service
Meade Willis offers both Web Portal EDI and automated machine-to-machine EDI solutions.
MW’s XRP EDI solution allows companies to exchange EDI documents virtually in standard formats (e.g. EDIFACT, X12, VDA) with trading partners (suppliers, customers) anywhere in the world. The system also incorporates translation for non-EDI file types (e.g. CSV, XML, proprietary formats).
MW provides EDI services for
- Manufacturing
- Logistics
- Grocery
- Automotive
- Freight
- eCommerce
- Supplier & Customer
- Warehousing
- Retail

Stop using Excel, phone, email or Fax to send Purchase Orders, Shipment Notices or other business-related documentation to your customer, supplier or partner! Save yourself time, error handling and HEADACHES! Switch to MW’s EDI!
Client of Meade Willis
What is the XRP EDI Solution?
Meade Willis offers both Web Portal EDI and automated machine-to-machine EDI solutions. XRP EDI is a scalable, dynamic, flexible, and Web-based EDI service offering. MW’s innovative EDI solution eliminates the need for costly infrastructure because it allows EDI transactions to be transmitted and managed through the Internet.
By utilizing cutting-edge technology, XRP EDI enables entire trading communities to rapidly share accurate business information in a cost-effective, secure way. XRP EDI is a technologically innovative offering that enhances business relationships within trading communities.
It allows trading partners to exchange all types of business documents in the buy, sell, negotiate, pay, and deliver cycles of business. With customized Web-forms or automated translators, branding options, online processing, and multiple language capability, XRP EDI is a cutting edge solution for multi-billion dollar global corporations and local neighborhood businesses alike.
The XRP EDI solution can be customized to meet the requirements of each client. Different service levels, from base to premium, are available for each implementation.
Client's case study where Meade Willis deployed a multi-source integration including data conversions and business rules management techniques.

EDI flowchart

EDI benefits
Implementing an EDI Solution leads to cost savings and improved efficiency throughout the supply chain

Paper, printing, filing, mailing materials and supplies are reduced or completely eliminated

Incorrect data and manual entry errors are reduced or completely eliminated

Business cycles are accelerated by up to 60%

Information quality improves by 30% - 40%

Improved corporate trading relationships
- Reduce customer’s procurement related costs by utilizing EDI to increase accuracy and improve the process cycle;
- Allow purchase orders to be transmitted directly from store in cases where a direct store delivery method is preferred, increasing order accuracy and efficiency;
- All Customer suppliers using one centralized system, increasing overall visibility and providing improved real-time information for business intelligence purposes;
- Errors due to illegible faxes, lost orders or incorrectly taken phone orders are eliminated, saving staff valuable time troubleshooting and handling data disputes;
- Quick processing of accurate business documents leads to less re-working, fewer stock outs and less manual intervention and effort;
- Enables real-time visibility into transaction statuses and issues;
- One universal method for all suppliers: one document format, one onboarding process, one correct customer service and troubleshooting process;
- Ease of access to the entire supplier network, scalable and adaptable to customer future needs;
- Extranet investment/development/maintenance not required;
- Training and support handled by Meade Willis experts, so customers can concentrate on business core competencies;
- EDI provides a common business language that facilitates business partner onboarding anywhere in the world;
- After Walmart and Proctor & Gamble began using electronic document exchange in the 1980s, EDI has become a driving force by the industry to cut costs while increasing customer service.
- Expenses associated with paper, printing, reproduction, storage, filing, postage and document retrieval are all reduced or eliminated when you switch to EDI transactions, lowering their transaction costs;
- Standardized invoicing, less disputes, faster processes, increased visibility, increased customer goodwill;
- Outsourced service platform: infrastructure expenditures (hardware, software, telecommunications) not required;
- Quicker access to information, leading to less waste or over/under-supply and improved customer;
- Improved data accuracy, which means fewer lost orders and fewer product returns;
- A centralized, standard process for inquiries, issues, and troubleshooting;
- Enhanced security;
- Unparalleled training and support from Meade Willis experts.